Born in England during the Second World War, his family moved to Kenya after the war ended. Les completed his education in Kenya and then…
This video message was received from the Monash Children’s Hospital liaison thanking usALL for the tremendous support we have given to the children over this…
Shriners International Magazine Winter 2024Download
John was born in Las Vegas Nevada in 1963. After joining the US Navy in 1983 and completing electronics technician training, he was stationed at…
Jonathan Evans (Jonno) is the Provisional Treasurer of Acrux Shriners, overseeing the Temple’s finances and international obligations with Shriners International as Acrux works towards full…
Our Provisional Potentate, Noble Terry Webster has prepared the following address on the state of our Temple.
On Tuesday 6th August, Noble Raul Amor, the High Priest and Prophet of our Temple attended the opening ceremony of the Macquarie Campus Next Sense…
Noble James R. Targett was born in Southampton, Hampshire in England Before moving to Brisbane in December 1994. A veteran of the British Army from…